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Our next virtual show will be on June 28th! Join us as a songwriter. Click the link above or email All you have to do is read the book, or listen to the audio or grab the Golden Book and be inspired to write a song. #losangeles #livestream #aliceinwonderland #songwriters #songwritersoflosangeles
The LA chapter of The Bushwick Book Club will be streaming our show live on Facebook this Sunday at 4p PST. We will be joined by songwriter @eledinn @mollyrocker @stacyrock @lrbrinker @sherricanon @megthesalonniere and possibly others! Join us on
No Preschool Songwriting Session#quarantined #homeschool #songwriting #raisinggirls
Song by @stacyrock performed at our last book club. All songs were inspired by My Life and Other Unfinished Business by @dollyparton. Join us on Sunday for songs inspired by @kileyreid ‘s new book Such A Fun Life#songwriters #liveinla #countrymusic #fourleafclover #songsaboutbooks #books #suchafunlife #bushwickbookclub @labushwickbookclub
Rehearsing for yesterday’s Bushwick Book Club songs inspired by Dolly Parton. I’d show more video but blurring our naked Leia was just too much work! #songwriters #mommymusician #raisinggirls #dollyparton @dollyparton @labushwickbookclub
February gigs!#pianowoman #livemusic #venturacalifornia #westlake #livemusicla
Join us for songs inspired by Dolly and her unfinished business. Visit @labushwickbookclub to become a songwriter. #songwritersofla #songwriters #livemusicla #originalmusic #dollypartonfan @eledinn @industriousbird @jessiekilguss @timcode @mollyrocker @mimivinyl
This has been an interesting gig! Turns out I use my index finger a lot more than I thought.
@timcode Inspired by books!
Our next show is all Dolly on February 9th @mollymalonesla. If you like to get ahead of the game, here’s our spring line up! #songwriters #lalive #livemusic @dollyparton @kileyreid #billmckibben @hilsaphina