When left alone with the box of chee chees…. #tryingtowork #icandoitallbymyself #raisinggirls #mommymusician By stacyrock | August 4, 2017
If you are bored, come request some songs and have a drink or two! Www.stacyrock.com/tour #27daysofmusic #mommymusician #montagehotel #osteriaorto #willimakeit By stacyrock | July 30, 2017
I always said dogs and kids were the best listeners of music…now bunnies! #beingsnowwhite #mommymusician #musicianlife #osteriaorto #lifeisbeautiful By stacyrock | July 23, 2017
When you go to work and leave the boys to watch the baby, she turns to stone. #raisinggirls #daddying #mommymusician #neighbors By stacyrock | July 18, 2017
Giving up the rock touring van for a minivan. I can still fit all my equipment, two car seats a passenger, groceries and a plant… #mommymusician #raisinggirls #notascoolasiusedtobebutstillcoolenough By stacyrock | June 25, 2017
Recital day #youngballerina #raisinggirls #growingup #creationstation @creationstationstudiocity By stacyrock | June 12, 2017
Moving on up! #kindergarten #socns #preschoolgraduation #love #whomakestheseminicapandgowns By stacyrock | June 5, 2017